Saturday 19 December 2009

Copenhagen and Versailles(?)

So COP15 didn't end with an agreement that actually will save the world. No surprise there. The Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development Mr Erik Solheim came back to Oslo disappointed that the final text wasn't as far-reaching as he would have liked it to be. Also, he was furious with Sudan, Saudi-Arabia and Venzuela for their behavior. However, there was one positive point - that US President Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabo making an apparence and negotiating.

For the record, Mr Solheim was the chief mediator in Sri Lanka before he first became Minister of International Development in 2005.

So, Mr Solheim praises Obama and Wen, saying without them it might not have been any agreement at all. He says it's unique that heads of state and government from the USA, China and Europe sits down and negotiates an agreement. It's comparable to the Versailles Conference in 1919!

Now, we've established that Mr Solheim doesn't have the best track-record when it comes to negotiating, but even he should know that to compare an international conference to the one in Versailles in 1919 is not a compliment.

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