Tuesday 14 October 2008

Bodies moving in harmony

There's nothing as beautiful as two bodies moving in harmony. However, when some 40 twentysomethings from all over Europe, some of them from unrythmic countries like Germany, Belgium or Norway, try to learn how to dance salsa, bodies moving in harmony isn't the first things that would strike your mind. You take a look at the southerners and you see that the rythm comes to them automatically. They don't care that much about having the right posture or doing the right steps. After all, it looks good anyway. Then you look at the northeners. They have no rythm at all, they suffer from permanent body stiffness and they do their absolute best to follow the steps of the instructor, but quite frankly a cow moving sideways is more gracious.
It's tempting to draw lines to behaviour in general, with germanics obsessed with doing things correctly whilst the romanics care more about appearens and thus slides through. However, such generalisations are not very polite, and thus I will not.
On the other hand, as we supposedly are destined to govern Brussels in twenty years time, hopefully having seen oneanother trip in our own legs will make us more sympathetic when we make gaffes in real life. If our bodies can't move in harmony, let's hope the same won't be the case for our minds and hearts.

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